Sunday, 27 October 2013

My Uni Experience

I honest to god thought I was getting on top of my blog. August I was on a roll with my posts, and I really thought I was making something of it and finally fitting blogging into my life. 
But then the stress of uni hit, and my god it hit hard. I spent the two weeks before uni dreading it and not wanting to go at all. Then I got here and the second day I spent in bed hungover crying because I missed home that much. 
But now, 6 weeks in I am so glad I moved away. It sucks being 3 and a half hours from home at times, I've been home once - not because I wanted to but because my dear nana was taken into hospital. But I wouldn't change my choice for the world. I know that staying at home is for some people, but it 100% is not for me. I love the independence of living on my own, and I have some of the best flatmates. I've made friends on my course and I'm proud that I moved here knowing absolutely no one and I now have a handful of genuinely good friends. 
The reason why I chose to come here was for my course; Magazine Journalism. If anyone wants to go into the journalism world, then Sunderland is one of the best places for that, as you get NCTJ exams included in your course fees which are one of the main things employers look for  in graduates. It's also one of the only unis to specialise in magazines, and although so far I've mainly wrote new stories, I'm doing modules based on magazines and even a fashion journalism module which I'm far too excited to start in January.
But, obviously, it's not all work. After spending the first two weeks of freshers drunk - some pictures of this will not be put on here ha! Its quietened down, well as quiet as 50p drinks can get (I love you for that one Sunderland) 
 Here is me and my flatmate at a UV paint party.... Messy!! 

Out with the girls for Sunderland Gay Night

The view from the newsroom in the media centre on my cute university campus 
Writing my article on the train journey home to Manchester one weekend.. I always write in pink. 

32 inch pizza, it was almost the size of our flats table. I almost chundered after even sharing it with 6 people

Who says students can't cook?! My Sunday roast I made in the flat

So that's just a little update from the last few weeks, and I will try to get some posts up soon, it's hard to find time to even do my uni work living here!! 

Hope you're all well, and has anyone else just started uni? 