Monday, 22 April 2013

Leibster Blog Award

Liebster Blog Award!

I shall start by first of all saying how shocked I was to be nominated for this award, considering I am such a brand new blogger, and it felt fab to know that someone was actually reading my blog and paying attention to what I was writing, even though I have got hardly any followers - the good thing about this is the fact that you can get a bit of recognition for you blog. BLOG POWER. (Was that a bit too spice girls-y? Ah well!)
It's like the Oscars, I would like to thank my mum for always believing in me, my dad for helping me through tough times, my sisters for.... No I am kidding. 
Ok.. So I am new to this so if I do it wrong I do apologise... 

Rules if you are nominated for the Liebster Blog Award:1. Tell 11 things about yourself.2. Answer 11 questions asked by the nominating blogger (the one who nominated you)3. Nominate 11 new bloggers with less than 200 followers.4. Ask 11 questions to the bloggers you nominated.5. Inform the bloggers you chose.

So I guess I shall start with step one, here are 11 facts about me: 

ONE: I have a phobia of bananas, they actually scare me quite a bit. Especially peeled bananas. They are just weird. 
TWO: I can be a bit too loud to have around, but in a fun way. If there can be a fun way haha!
THREE: I have two sisters, one is older and one is younger. I feel sorry for my father living in a house full of women. 
FOUR: I started studying Media four years ago and fell in love with it, and I have just been accepted to go to University to study Journalism. So that is a really exciting step coming up in my life! 
FIVE: My favourite place in the world is Tenerife and over the years I have spent far too much time there. But it's amazing and I fall in love more and more every time I go out there. I plan to live there one day.
SIX: Other than Tenerife, I fell in love with London, and as a Manchester Girl I just love the city! My blog background is actually a photograph I took whilst at Brick Lane. 
SEVEN: I have such a common accent I sometimes get ashamed when I talk haha!
EIGHT: I cannot resist chocolate, but my ultimate weakness would be Morrisons chocolate brownies. You now know how to keep me happy. 
NINE: I want nothing more in life than a Cambridge Satchel, but everytime I have the money to buy one I end up buying something else instead. I just want my beautiful engravings on it.
TEN: I wear glasses all the time because I have the worst eyesight. Well I occasionally wear contact lenses but not often. I quite like my glasses though. 
ELEVEN: I have a necklace which I NEVER take off, it has my locket from when I was a baby, and my mum's St Christopher on. It's the best thing I own. 

So step two... 

Here are my answers to GraciiousMe's Questions.
1) What beauty thing are you rubbish at?
Putting on eyelashes.. They are too fiddly and I can never do it. 
2) If time travel existed would you go back in time to see your ancestors or forward to see your great-grandchildren?
Probably forward, I think the future is more important in some ways. 
3) Bronzer or blusher?
4) If you could have a magic power what would it be?
To read peoples minds without a doubt.
5) Favourite sitcom/comedy?
Tough one, most probably How I Met Your Mother, Two Broke Girls or F.R.I.E.N.D.S
6) Would you rather have perfect hair or perfect skin?
Perfect skin. My skin is totally awful!
7) How did you learn to do make-up
I taught myself, probably why I am not amazing but hey!
8) Do you  have any phobias?
Banana's hahahaah! I know, I'm weird!
9) Make-Up product you couldn't live without?
Mascara all the way. I am a baby fetus without it.
10) What do you love most about blogging?
Meeting new people and being nosy! Haha. 
11) Favourite beauty tool?

Here are my nominations: 

11 Questions to my nominations... 
1. Where in the world would you most like to travel? 
2. What is your LEAST favourite thing (if anything) about blogging? 
3. What made you decide to become a blogger? 
4. What is your favourite item of clothing?
5. What is your dream career?
6. If you had all the money in the world what would you spend it on? 
7. What is something have you been wanting for ages but never get around to buying? 
8. What is one of your biggest regrets? 
9. What is your favourite hobby?
10. What do you always carry around in your handbag?
11. Would you rather live without music or films? 

I would like to thank Grace for my wonderful nomination!
It feels good to know that even though I have literally just started out people are interested in me.. which is ALWAYS a good thing. 


  1. Thank you so much for the nomination, I've followed your blog! ^.^ I'll definitely do this! x

    1. You're welcome :) I look forward to reading it hun X

  2. Thank you for the nomination! :)
    I like how you started off with your fear of bananas...when you start if off like that, you must explain why! Haha.

    1. I don't even know where the fear has come from, I just physically hate them to the point of almost crying hahahaa!! I am such a weirdo!Xx
