Sunday 21 April 2013

Stone Print Leggings

Guys, I apologise I have been rather absent recently! I am slacking from blogging already, but I promise to try and keep up, I think I have finally sorted my Media coursework out, gosh A Levels are so time consuming!! 
I thought I would share these with you, I tend to just shove them on whenever as they are just so easy to throw on with an oversized T-Shirt and converse, okay lets face it, I shove them on when I am hungover or having a lounge day (or when I cannot face getting really dressed up for college when I am only in for an hour and a half - how annoying!) But lets face it, they are quite cool looking. I bought these in La Gomera, (I actually sound like I only buy clothes abroad or something hahaha! I don't!) but I managed to find the only clothes shop in the whole of San Sebastian; which is the capital so I am guessing that was the only clothes shop on the island - how they cope I will never know! Well there was clothes shops but the clothes resembled a table cloth, so this was the only fashionable shop we shall say. They were amazingly cheap, I think they were actually Nine Euros, which is less in English money but I am not the best at maths and conversion rates haha! I love a good bargain, as you will most likely tell from my posts when I actually get going with this blogging lark.
The print is rather strange, which I think is why I loved them when I bought them. The only issue is the fact that I am mega short, and so I get what I describe as the "ankle sag", but hey I still love them so I cannot complain. 
I'd love to know if anyone has any similar leggings, and where they got them from.


  1. I love the print on these leggings, I'll be checking to see if I can get them in the UK.

    Just wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award :)

    Get it from here:

  2. Aw Thanks so much! I think a similar pair will probably be on Ebay! If I find some I shall post a link :-)

    Aw I'm actually really touched! I shall have to fill it out when I am on my laptop! Thanks so much for the nomination! I had no idea people actually read my blog ha ha!!

    I love your blog by the way

  3. Lovely blog! Now following, you can check out my blog and follow back via GFC or Bloglovin' if you wish(:


    1. Aw thankyou!! I shall check your blog out. Thanks so much for the follow
